Cycle through your most recently used tabs (MRU) like Alt+Tab, but, with the shortcut keys Ctrl+Q or Ctrl+`(~) or assign your own!Just like using Alt+Tab for Windows except now for your browser tabs. Use Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Q or Ctrl+`(~) or assign your own shortcut key for swapping back and forth between your last viewed tabs.
2.23 (Oct 15) - Renamed methods to chrome.runtime
2.22 (Oct 8) - Fixed issue caused by emtpy localStorage.tabs
2.21 (Jun 16) - Added a close link in popup
2.20 - Fixed issue with Chrome 28 and cached pages
2.19 - Fixed issues with CSP
2.18.1 - Fixed issue with always switching to first tab
2.17 - Using event page to save memory
2.15 - Fixed issue with unable to type in Google Docs
2.14 - Updated to manifest 2
2.11 - Changed colors
2.8 - Bug fix: Removed error in log
2.7 - Added option to show all open tabs in the 'max recent tabs to show' dropdown