Go to line

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Current version: 1.5
Price: FREE
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Go to a specified line in plain file in browserThis extension allows you to scroll to a specified line in plain text files on browser.
It makes life easier while using rollbar.com for js-errors tracking.

For example, if you are a web-developer and you have a bug-tracking system that collects errors from js-files in this format:

>> Some error in <a href="file.js">file.js</a> at line 1204, column 25

You can immediately scroll to the error line without using external text-editor e.g. "Sublime Text"

* Works perfectly with rollbar.com
* Auto detect and replace links to plain text files, so that you are automatically taken to the right line
* Scroll the page to a specified line and column and highlight it
* You can use GET-parameters to specify the line and column

Please send bug reports and ideas for future versions to: plotnikov@realtimeboard.com

You can fork extension on GitHub! https://github.com/pltnkv/Go-to-line

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