Suops - Youtube Subscription Grouping Utility

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Current version: 1.2.2
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i am dead. sorry project is daed. there are remakes that other people made that work with new youtube and have more functions. sorry i am dead developer. school hurts time management.

**2017-07-03 1.2.2 Update:
- found a bug that was a problem for the firefox port, decided to include the fix for chrome as well
**2017-06-15 1.2.1 Update:
- literally just changed the name i wanted to see how that affected consumer reach or whatever
**2017-06-14 1.2.0 Update:
- Hide channels that are already in a group added to the modify tab
- You can now open channel pages directly from the manager
- Changed it so the sidebar doesn't use a (>) symbol anymore
- Added a slightly experimental but for the most part working video feed for each group. It's wonky and I don't like it; I have an idea of how to fix it, but I figured I might as well just release this so people stop thinking this project is dead. It isn't, it's just in a really slow development state. :)
I was going to first make a new tutorial, as the older ones were outdated and bad, but I've been really lazy about it so I'm just releasing this and hoping you guys can figure it out. It's not that hard... maybe one of you users can make a tutorial video and I can feature it on this page.

There once was a time when the YouTube website had its own organization feature, Collections, which made managing your subscriptions must less of a hassle. Now that feature is gone and has been gone for a long time. People have cried for Google to bring the feature back, but Google has not done what the people have asked. Then came along me who thought, "How hard would it be to make my own grouping feature for YouTube subscriptions?" It was at that moment when I began working on Suops.

With Suops you can create groups that seamlessly fits into the YouTube webpage. It's what we organizing freaks have been wanting ever since Collections went away, and it's finally here.

Having trouble figuring out how it works? Watch the tutorial video! And PLEASE report any bugs or errors you run into to me! I am only one person working on this project but I will do my best to look into every error and suggestion handed to me.

Want to help me test Suops? Send an email to letting me know. Your help would be greatly appreciated as it would help iron out little bugs that occur in development.

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