Open in Spotify desktop client

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Current version: 1.3
Price: FREE
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Instead of opening links in the browser they will always be opened in SpotifyOpen Spotify link in client

This is a small simple extension that tries to open any or url in the Spotify desktop client
and then close the newly opened browser window.

The way the extension works is:

1. If the URL visited is or then
2. If the URL contains `/embed/` then don't do anything
3. Remove the FQDN part and the first slash and
4. Replace those with spotify: and
5. Replace the remaining slashes (/) with colons (:)
6. Redirect to that URL
7. Close the tab that was opening the URL if it was a newly opened tab

Available in the [Google Chrome web store][store-url]

# Changes
## 1.3
* Don't touch embedded links, so that websites that embed a playlist
can do so without having Spotify trying to open the link automatically.
Thanks [@shape55] for reporting the issue.

## 1.2
* Opens links to user's playlists properly. Thanks for the bug report Robin H.


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