Plain Text Offenders Alert

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Current version: 1.7
Price: FREE
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Tells you when you're on a site that stores your passwords in plaintextToo many sites store sensitive information like passwords in plaintext. This leaves your password vulnerable to anyone with access to the site, from the site's developer to a hacker. Thankfully, Plain Text Offenders Alert stops you from giving your password to many of these sites. By using's constantly updated database of thousands of sites, Plain Text Offenders Alert notifies you if the site is known to be unsafe.

Disclaimer 1: Plain Text Offenders Alert is not associated with, it uses their publicly available database.
Disclaimer 2: Plain Text Offenders Alert does not have a list of every single insecure site, this would be impossible. It lowers, but does not stop, the chance of you giving your password to an insecure site.

New in 1.7 (courtesy of Mattias Kågström)

1. The X button will dismiss the alert for 10 days using a local cookie.
2. The "here" link will now open a new tab

The code is available at If you have an issue, feature request, or code changes, Github is preferred to the Chrome User Feedback (although I'll check both).

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