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Adds support to the omnibox to quick inteact with Drupal.org.Chrome extension to quick perform actions on Drupal's portal.

Permissions Breakdown:

we don't collect any personal data and we don't want access to your data on all websites, we simply have to use that permission so developers can use the App on all tabs.


On omnibox (address bar) type "dpl", followed by a space or tab.
After that, run the Dhrome command followed by colon plus your query.
When no command is passed the query is used to perform a side wide search in *.drupal.org.

Dhrome commands:

prj Go to the project home page.
e.g.: prj:views

usg Go to the project usage statistics page.
e.g.: usg:drupal

iss Go to the project issues page.
e.g: iss:drupal

api Performs a function search on api.drupal.org (Drupal 6 and 7).
If the api version is not passed the version 7 is used.
e.g.: api:7:hook_menu

fapi Performs a search on Drupal Form API page.

usr Performs a user search on drupal.org.
e.g.: usr:revagomes

irc Performs a user search by his/her IRC nick.
e.g.: irc:revagomes

do Permforms a search only on drupal.org site.
e.g.: do:About

doc Permforms a search filtered by Documentation pages.
e.g.: doc:Developer Guide

mod Permforms a search filtered by modules.
e.g.: mod:page title

thm Permforms a search filtered by themes.
e.g.: thm:Zen

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