Biticker shows the Bitcoin exchange rates (in USD or EUR), and an updated chart of the selected time span whenever you need it.The current exchange rate is always presented on the icon in the browser's top toolbar, and a click on it shows a detailed chart of the exchange rate during the selected time span.
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#### UPDATES ####
2018-02-19 v1.2.7
Better support for >10K value on the browser icon badge
2018-02-08 v1.2.6
Minor UI improvements to the chart popup
2017-11-39 v1.2.4
Support +10k values, BOYAAAA!
2017-05-25 v1.2.1
Changed to Bitstamp's Web Socket API
Updates for the settings page
2017-05-15 v1.1.7
Added urls to permissions list
2017-05-03 v1.1.6
Links updated
2017-03-17 v1.1.4
Reduced permissions level
Added support for "Log Scale" on chart + settings
2017-03-12 v1.1.0
Added bitcoin chart to the popup, with additional (configurable) settings to support it.