Toggle between Live and Test.Esoko Live2Test is a tool developed by the Esoko Authors to help Esoko staff and partners test the web app.
On chrome startup, the extension's "esoko" icon is green, and a mouse over displays the text "[Esoko Live]". This means that all access to the domain will be forwarded to Esoko's live (production) servers. This is considered the browser's normal behavior.
To switch to the Esoko test servers, just click on the "esoko" icon. The icon turns red, and a mouse over displays the text "[Esoko Test]". This is Test mode. In Test mode, all access to the domain will be forwarded to Esoko's Test servers, and all pages from the domain will have a "TEST" watermark.
Click on the icon again to toggle between Live and Test.
This extension only affects pages visited in the domain, such as and