Zoom images/videos on all your favorite social image website.Hover your mouse over any image on the Google Images and the extension will automatically enlarge the image to its full size, but still fits into browser windows. This allows you to speed up your image search process and quickly see desired image.
The image remains visible until you move the mouse outside the thumb, click the mouse, or press Escape. It’s quick and easy to move the mouse from one thumbnail to another to see the corresponding full-size images.
The ImageSearch Enhancer extension let you enable or disable sites as desired. Preferences also let you configure the delay until the popup appears, how large the image is zoomed, whether captions should be shown, whether images are added to history, and more.
ImageSearch Enhancer let you open the popped-up image in a new tab or window, zoom larger or smaller, open preferences, and more. By installing our extension search settings will be changed for NewTab to