Zillow Personal AdvisorZillow Personal Advisor addresses many pain points for first time and lower income home buyers, such as:
- What houses can I afford based on my finances?
- Do I qualify for any HUD loan assistance programs, and why?
- Where and from who can I get more infomation on these programs?
Our approach for satisfying this challenge was to:
Build a Chrome browser extension that extends the functionality on Zillow.com to add advice based on the user's specific finances:
- Integrate with Mint to pull a user's specific financial information
- Advice based on their finances:
- Provide max house cost that can be used to filter houses on map
- Advice based on their finances and the area they are searching for homes in:
- Provide federal aid plans for home loans they qualify for, and why
- Provide contact information of nearby loan assistance agents (to location they are searching for homes)
- Advice based on their finances and a specific home they are viewing:
- Provide recommendations on specific homes