Twitter Unfollow Unfollowers

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Current version: 3.0
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Find how many people are not following you back on Twitter. Unfollow as many of these as you want with one click.*** NO LONGER MAINTAINING ***


We all have those people who just won't follow us back on Twitter. This is especially frustrating when you are trying to build up twitter accounts by using the principle of "I follow you, you follow me back" principle. You follow massive amounts of people and can't figure out who is not following you back. Well, not anymore! Here is Twitter Unfollow Unfollowers!


As soon as you click the extension icon, it takes you to your twitter account's following section. A confirmation pops up, if you click OK the page starts to scroll down and load all the people you follow. After all the users are loaded it counts how many people don't follow you back instantly and prints out the number and as how many of these people you want to unfollow. You can always click the cancel button to cancel the process and that's it! Now you can unfollow those who don't follow you back!

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