Displays the number of unread items in your Google Reader account. Clicking opens your Reader account.Displays the number of unread items in your Google Reader account. Clicking opens your Reader account.
This is a remake of the official Google Reader Notifier (by Google) - https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/apflmjolhbonpkbkooiamcnenbmbjcbf
Popup has been removed, it is now possible to query Google Reader more often (as often as once every 15 seconds).
The counter has been fixed. Now it correctly handles the situation when there is no unread items left (it used to keep the last number, usually "1", until it gets the correct number from the service, which could take a looong time)
Also, when there is no unread items the counter is completely hidden (it used to show large gray badge over the toolbar button).