SOAP Analyzer

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Current version: 1.2.0
Price: FREE
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A DevTools extension for monitoring SOAP traffic.A DevTools extension for monitoring SOAP traffic.

v1.2.0 Released!

New features
xmlns namespace properties can now be toggled on/off from the request and response tab

Showing only the content of the Body tag can now be toggled on/off from the request and response tab

The header will now be pinned to the top of the dev tools panel, so users no longer have to scroll all the way to the top of the list to clear, update settings, etc.

The theme can now be toggled directly from the header, and users no longer need to go into the options page to change this. Also options page has been removed.

Bug fixes

The screen should now longer collapse the tabs if the width of the viewport gets small (affected users who pin their developer tools to the left or right)


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Icons made by Freepik ( from is licensed by CC 3.0

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