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Current version: 1.1.9
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Shows the price of cryptocurrencies in the badge.Cryptosaur is an altcoins ticker. Now support:
Digibyte (DGB)
Dogecoin (DOGE)
Maxcoin (MAX)
Quarkcoin (QRK)
Earthcoin (EAC)
Vertcoin (VTC)
Litecoin (LTC)
Qubitcoin (Q2C)
Ultracoin (UTC)
USDecoin (USDE)
Lottocoin (LOT)
Leafcoin (LEAF)
Kittehcoin (MEOW)
Reddcoin (RDD)
Klondikecoin (KDC)
Beecoin (BEE)
Rubycoin (RUBY)
Noblecoin (NOBL)
Auroracoin (AUR)
Megacoin (MEC)
Blackcoin (BC)
Darkcoin (DRK)
Myriadcoin (MYR)
Feathercoin (FTC)
Also can convert price to USD, EUR or BTC.

Graphics by flashing_light

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