Expands images on 8chanX when hovered on.This extension will expand images on 8chan when they're moused over. Works with all picture types, and webms.
Images will be displayed at their natural resolution, and if their wider than 960 pixels, the image will be scaled back to a width of 960px accordingly. Same for the height, but it will be scaled back to 810px.
Webms will be displayed at 960 X 540, half the resolution of 1920X 1080.
===== Version History =====
v1.4.0 - 8chan Image Expander released
-Expands images and webms on hover
v1.4.5 - Added in pictures moving in right hand side of screen with cursor movement
v1.4.7 - Images now appear in the top right hand corner of browser window
- Removed cursor tracing
If there are any issues feel free to email me at
[email protected]