Extraflix - External Ratings for Netflix

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More than 169 users worldwide
Current version: 0.6
Price: FREE
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Extraflix shows external user ratings for Movies and TV Shows right where you need them: on the Netflix website.Extraflix shows trailers and external user ratings for Movies and TV Shows right where you need them: on the Netflix website. Spend more time enjoying your movie and less time checking its rating or trailers on sites like IMDb.
Extraflix comes with other options like Slow Motion & Fast Forward, hiding the annoying 'add phone number' message and Auto Pause/Play. These features can be turned on or off in the options menu.

NOTE: It is recommended to use this extensions with your netflix language settings set to English for all the options to work.

Version 0.6
- Fixes the long lasting font problem for all users.
Version 0.5 (current)
- Adds a Warp Speed button for slow motion and fast forward watching to the Netflix player. Optional - on by default.
- Auto Pause/Play pauses/plays the Netflix player when you move away from/get back to the Netflix tab - off by default.
- v0.5.1 to v0.5.4 are non-feature upgrades which improve the code's modularity and fix some bugs (like the missing icon font) or improve features.

Version 0.4
- Hides the annoying 'add phone number' message. Optional - off by default.
- Check the new Extraflix options page to toggle.

Version 0.3
- 'Watch trailer' button for movies.

Version 0.2
- Metacritic ratings.
- Switch between IMDb and Metacritic (externals) scores by pressing the 'i' and 'm' keys respectively.
- Automatically saves external preference for the next session.

Version 0.1
- Supports simple fetching for IMDb ratings on home and search pages.


Possible Future Functionality
- Display functionality on other pages.
- Optimized cache.
- Separate episode ratings for series.
- Rotten Tomatoes ratings.
- Series trailers.


Extraflix is not affiliated with Netflix, IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes or Metacritic. Extraflix is built on top of the marvelous TMDB and OMDB api's.

Thanks to Shanna (for sharing her Netflix with me) and Michel (for helping me with paying the dev. fee).

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