Extends YubNub to allow multi-tab searching and local overridesYubNubEx is a Chrome extension that extends YubNub (yubnub.org). It is activated in the Omnibox by its keyword, "y".
YubNub is a command line for the web. For example,
bim elephants
searches Bing images with the query "elephants".
wp elephants
searches Wikipedia for "elephants".
These commands are defined by YubNub users. Normal YubNub commands work with YubNubEx, and are cached locally.
YubNubEx lets you open command/query combinations in different tabs. Commands are separated by dots (.) and queries are separated by backticks (`). For example:
bim.wp elephants
searches Bing images for elephants and Wikipedia for elephants in two tabs.
bim elephants`giraffes
searches Bing images for elephants and giraffes in two tabs.
bim.wp elephants/giraffes
will open four tabs.
The options page for the extension allows you to override the global YubNub commands.
The following types of overrides are permitted:
A normal YubNub command
bim | http://bim.com/?q=%s
A command expansion (command alias)
s | b.g
A parameter transformation
gso | g site:stackoverflow.com %s
YubNubEx is open-source: https://github.com/hrichardlee/YubNubEx