Paper Safe

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Current version: 0.8.1
Price: FREE
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The simple login utility.With Paper Safe, you'll only ever need to remember one password -- but works completely offline! Other solutions require you to share your password or they keep a list of websites and passwords associated with your account, leaving you vulnerable if they were attacked. Paper Safe has no central place to attack.

Here's how it works:
1. Go to a website and click the Paper Safe extension icon.
2. Type in your secret password.
3. Click the button.

That's it! By combining your "secret" with the website's name, the same password can be generated over and over.

Nobody likes dealing with websites' various password requirements. To help ease your pain, Paper Safe
- Allows you to choose which characters to include (uses at least one of each type)
- Supports many password lengths
- Can remember those settings for each website (optional)

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