A great way to add new Selflikes from any websites to your library!!Use this to add easily any existing image/product from any website directly to your Selflikes library. A great way to create holiday gift wishlist.
Selflikes is FREE and is the best way to organize, rate and share what you like or dislike:
-Create your own list of rated items (ex: list of tasted bottles of wine with rating and preferences)
-Create gift lists for your friends so they know what to give you on any occasions.
-Get gifts ideas from your friends (instant access to your friend's wishlists)
-Share your reviews on product, activities, recreation, ANYTHING! (games, films, restaurants, shoes, food...)
-Create a reliable consumer report for your friends to consult, or consult your friends reports.
-Get new ideas and suggestions for activities, meals, recreation and much more.
-Comment and rate your friends Selflikes (restaurants, events, people, products...).
-Get an average rating and many reviews from your friends for each Selflike.
-Take visual reminders to remember important information (ex: to whom you lent a blur-ray version of your favorite film)