Right-click option: no javascript

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Current version: 1.5.2
Price: FREE
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Right click any URL to get an option to temporarily block javascript on that page. Re-poen to undo.update:1.5.2
Added delay of removing javascript block rule on targeted domain, by 5 seconds. This is to prevent allowing javascript on slow pages. Later versions should use a call-back that tests when page is finished uploading.

Ability to undo javascript block by closing tab and repopening link, added.



This is an extension you access, by rightclicking a link and pressing a menu item called "Load with no Javascript". It then opens the page in a new tab without javascript.

To reverse the effects, simply close the tab and open the link again. Refreshing doesn't seem to reverse the effects, at
least not on my browser.


Explanation of permissions

The permissions says that I have access to your history.
Here are my actual permissions in my manifest.json:

"permissions": [ "contextMenus", "tabs", "contentSettings" ]

All my program does is get the link you right clicked on add the domain to the list of unwanted javascript pages then remove the name, so that it loads the page without javascript that one time, but not permanently.

I'd like to remove all permissions, but I'm still learning the API and google's api on their developer page is written for people who already know the API, not for novices like me.

I made this extension, because I was tired of news sites killing my computer with their javascript. My whole computer would hang as their scripts went to work doing things I didn't care about. Mostly news sites do this. So I made this specifically for laggy news sites that think I need to buy a new computer. They really should learn how to use CSS and CGI scipts and only use javascript when necessary. But they lather javascipt on like Nutella.

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