Fast Scroll

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Current version: 4.0
Price: FREE
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Fast Scroll is a tiny but very handy extension that allows you to scroll through web pages way fasterThis small extension allows you to increase scroll speed on web pages either :
- by pressing a key of your choice between Left Alt (the default), Left Ctrl and Left Shift
- or without doing anything : scroll speed will always be increased, and you'll have the ability to decrease it temporarily by pressing one of the keys mentioned above

You'll also be able to configure the new scroll speed through the extension's Settings page.

Quite handy to scroll through long web pages or big documents quickly !

If you have any feedback, feel free to ping me @flawyte on Twitter, send me an email or open an issue on the GitHub repo if you're a developer!

## Release history
# v4 (2020-11-04)

- The Settings page was removed and you can now change the extension's settings without leaving your current webpage by clicking the extension's icon in the top-right. Don't forget to refresh open tabs after you've saved your new settings for the changes to be taken into account!

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