Yammer Taskinator

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Current version: 0.0.2
Price: FREE
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Yammer taskinatorThis extension adds the ability to extend any Yammer conversation to a trackable tasks.

Some times Yammer conversations raise an issues that need to be resolved and progress on them should be tracked.

Conversations feed makes it hard to distinguish such threads from usual ones. It's easy to lose track on their progress.

To resolve this problem we made Yammer Taskinator. It brings simple task tracking system functionality to Yammer.

Any conversation can be marked as task just by adding appropriate tag. You can spot them easily, track their status, check summary if they were already finished.

To mark thread as task add #Task, #Need, #Problem or #Issue tag to message
To mark task as started add #started, #inprogress or #in_progress tag.
To finish: #summary.

You can find a list of all unresolved tasks in the plugin dashboard.

Our Taskinator can be extended to support other social platforms as Facebook or others.

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