hRecipe Helper

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Current version: 1.3.3
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A tool to help format your recipes for the Google Recipe View, hRecipe micro-format and for the Pintrest Rich Pin format.hRecipeHelper is a Chrome extension which will gives bloggers a simple interface to enter their favorite recipes and have them automatically formatted with compliant hRecipe microformat. By formatting your recipes with hRecipe your making your Recipe easier for the new Google Recipe Search to find your recipe when searching for similar recipes making it possible for you to share great food with the world!


* Easy and convenient tool.
* Does all the formatting for you, just copy and paste the results. (added formatting options!)
* Supports hRecipe microformat.
* Works with Google's Rich Snippets.
* Takes the drudgery out of formatting Recipes in HTML.
* Helps Google index recipes for the Google Recipe Search.
* Supports Pinterest - Rich Pin format too!

Mar. 5 2014 - It's been a while! I was notified (Thanks Marion!) that there was an issue with validation in the cooking times and after a bit of digging around I discovered that I had an error in the way the times were being formatted. This has been fixed! Now prep, cook and total times will be displayed and validated correctly. In addition I added code to compute the Total time from the prep and cook times AND format the out put time into a nicer english format. Hope everyone likes that, I thought it looked much nicer. I also verified that the format works great with Pinterest. Keep posting great recipes!

Aug. 4 2012 - I had to upgrade to Chrome extensions v2.0 security by the end of the month so while doing that I fixed some of the UI glitches/bugs! I improved the form for entering the recipes so that it keeps focus on what your working on which was honestly annoying me like crazy, sorry about that annoyance! Please email me and let me know if you see any new bugs or if there are some other problems that your seeing and would like me to fix. I am looking at adding a few new features now that I have dusted off the code so feel free to make suggestions.

May 12, 2011 - Added new formatting options to provide the option to turn off bulleted and numbered lists in the results. Let me know what you think and if you would like more options added! I also added an email address to the about tab so feel free to send me an email!

April 9, 2011 - Added new Preview feature! Click the 'preview' button on the Results tab to view the recipe HTML before you copy it to your blog.

March 22, 2011 - Fixed a number of bugs with HTML generation, thanks for letting me know!

March 26, 2011 - Added Bulleted instruction steps and fixed some rendering issues.

January, 1 2013 - Quick fix to improperly generated instruction section which was being labeled as ingredients(Ack!). Really sorry about that, any older recipes may have this error, check your html for the instructions sections and make sure they say class="instructions" to fix this bug.

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