Need a Hand

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Current version: 1.2.1
Price: FREE
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With a massive hand comes massive responsibilityNeed a hand is a handy Chrome Extension that allows you to overlay a hand on any web page that you control with your mouse pointer. You need this extension if:

1. you want check how easy your web site is for touch screen devices like the iPad,
2. you want to demonstrate something and want a nice looking pointer,
3. you have a serious hand fetish,
4. you find it amusing to have a giant hand on your screen.

Coming soon: Left hands.

Known Problems:
- Doesn't work on Chrome Web Store (due to security issues).
- Doesn't work in Gmail (due to iframes issues).
- Decapitated arm effect for screens larger than 24". Fix coming soon.
- Doesn't work entirely for Twitter after scrolling (due to DOM issues I can't begin to understand.)

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