Phone to Chrome

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Current version: 0.4.1
Price: FREE
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Receive links from your phoneAn extension that allows you to receive links from your phone

Note: You will need the mobile app to use this. Search for "Phone to Chrome" on the Play store, or visit

Instructions for use:

- Install this extension
- Install the Android app (
- Note the "ID for mobile app" from this extension
- Type the ID into the settings page of the Android app


- Receive links from your phone
- Save a history of the links you've received in the past (customizable in the options)
- Queue links if your computer is offline (with the pro version of the Android app, available at
- Receive different links from your phone
- Receive links that are different to the first 2 ones from your phone
- And many more! (Not really. It's a fairly simple extension)

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