Selecting to convert currency or other units to the ones you are more familiar with.Simply select the text on the page, the converted is shown nearby! Nothing is simpler than this ever!
Convertions between:
1) Currencies: US dollar, pound, euro, Hongkong dollar, Japanese yen, Singapore dollar, Swedish/Denmark/Norway Krona, Canadian dollar, Australian dollar, Macao pataca, Philippine peso, Thai baht, New Zealand dollar, South Korean won, ruble, Chinese Yuan(RMB).
2) Length/Area units: mile/inch/foot/yard and km/m/dm/cm/mm/mcm,
3) Temperature: Fahrenheit and Celsius,
4) Weights: oz/pound and ton/kg/g/mg/mcg
5) Volumes: (US/Imperial) gallon/quard/pint/cup/oz/tablespoon/teaspoon and m³/L/mL