Hide YouTube Comments

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Current version: 0.7.1
Price: FREE
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Hides all user comments on YouTube. There is no option or button to show the comments again.

If you find this extension useful,…Hides all user comments on YouTube. There is no option or button to show the comments again.

If you find this extension useful, buy me a Coke, I love Coke: https://paypal.me/michstan
Thanks! :-)

- 0.7.1 (May 4, 2017): Hide live chat on live broadcasts
- 0.7 (May 3, 2017): Updated for the new Material Design YouTube
- 0.6.1 (Dec 12, 2014): Fixed a bug with hidden "Show more" button below video descriptions
- 0.6 (Sep 13, 2014): Updated to work with the recent changes on YouTube + new icon
- 0.5 (Nov 9, 2013): Another change of YouTube comments, another rewrite
- 0.4 (Nov 3, 2013): Updated to work with new YouTube
- 0.3.3 (Mar 22, 2013): Updated to work with renamed comments element id
- 0.3.2 (Mar 13, 2013): New upload to fix the strange manifest file error
- 0.3.1 (Mar 12, 2013): Fixed expanding the video's description.
- 0.3 (Mar 9, 2013): Changed to work with the most recent YouTube redesign. In addition to hiding comments, video's description text is automatically expanded.

Thanks: The thumbs-down icon taken from the WPZOOM Developer Icon Set by wpzoom.com.

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