Webpage Spell-Check

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Current version: 0.2.1
Price: FREE
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Instant spell check on any web pageAre you a web developer, and have ever sent a page to client with spelling error or typo? If yes, or you are just a cautious one who is afraid to let this happen one day, then this small extension is just for you.

It lets you check the spelling directly on the web-page in Chrome. This way you can easily identify and fix the errors which gets missed in your favourite HTML editor even when it has also spell-check support. As this uses the Google Chrome spell checker, so it also shows the you corrections for the typo and spelling mistakes and let you edit the typos directly in the web-page.

To makes this easy to use, it lets you remember the settings for the site so that you can always keep this enabled for the sites you develop or maintain. You can also toggle this on the page to review your fixes quickly.

Try this, and if have any suggestions, please feel free to share.

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