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Current version: 1.0.2
Price: FREE
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Many foods contain junk you don't need - kind of like the internet. Cleanse your feed of overused references to some old movie.You love Soylent. But, if you've been on the internet, you're probably aware not everyone loves Soylent as much as you. And that's okay! Maybe one day everyone will see the beauty of a nutritious meal that's ready when you need it, but today, a lot of people still only see an opportunity to make the same would rather make that same tired joke about our name you've heard a thousand times before.

We did a little bit of tinkering, and found that comment sections and news articles are a whole lot more fun when everyone loves Soylent as much as we do! So give this little extension a whirl and catch a glimpse of a future where your Great Aunt Mildred and that weird guy Bill that your mom knows from high school both cheer, "I love Soylent!"

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