Anonymize your Digital FootprintBlurr is a tool for user anonymity. Blurr works against data collection agencies to anonymize your digital footprint with meaningless browsing history.
Blur works by automating browser queries over a large set of website domains that are grouped together by certain data profiling features.
By default, this automation will produce an even distribution of search queries across all features. You can remove any of these features or blacklist domains from the browsing process by modifying options the settings tab.
Custom Domains can also be added to the browsing process in settings. Note, domains should only be added with their full url.
To closely mimic human browsing, a user specified number of links are extracted and followed from each domain home page. Additionally, the user can specify a wait time between browser queries. These parameters can be modified on the Run page.
To launch a tab with automated queries, toggle the switch on the Run page. Turning it off will destroy that process. Note, however, that exiting the extension without switching off will keep that tab running.