make the web pages close to the Browser's side which aligned center, so that we can get more space on our screen.if you don't like webpage stay in the center of the web browser and leave 2 big white blocks between it. !! U should Try Me !!
Just click the blue icon in the top-right corner, All contents in the webpage will stand aside. U can use other window cover the rest white space.
Or you can press ctrl+shift+L to do it .
if you have some trouble when use it, Leave me a message and the webpage url.
** update 1.4.0
rebuild everything.
formatting is better than before.
** update 1.3.0
add YoukuAntiADs
use BAE CDN to improve download speed.
try to keep sync with raw resource.
you can switch it in options.
THANKS **YoukuAntiADs**