OGD's enhancements for Trello

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Current version: 7
Price: FREE
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An extension that counts points on trello cards.

We use it at OGD to make trello work just a bit better as a Scrum board.

*…An extension that counts points on trello cards.

We use it at OGD to make trello work just a bit better as a Scrum board.

* shows points typed between parens. (e.g. "improve the world (2)")
* It dims cards that have no points assigned (So everyone's aware that those tasks aren't accounted for in the totals)
* You can use '?' to indicate that the count is not known yet
* If a list has a '?' card it's point total will end in '?' as well
* large numbers are presented in red

* Presents card that have a title surrounded by three stars like: "***card title***" as "separator" cards. Use labels to color them.
* Shows the board description using a button that is more discoverable than the trello default
* Allows you to put (B) (I) (D) next to a list title (for indicating (B)acklog, (I)n work and (D)one. It shows lists that are backlog or done using a darker color

* Doesn't have the point picker in the trello card

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