Simple IMDb movie rating by selecting text.IMDb Movie Rating Lookup is an extension to quickly lookup ratings of movies and TV-series on IMDb.
Simply select the text of the title you want to lookup and immediately see the rating as a badge on the extension logo. Go to the IMDb page by clicking on the icon.
* Select only a small portion of a movie title and lookup the IMDb rating immediately in the badge text
* -NEW- Right click movie description on Netflix when hovering the image to look up rating. Badge and context menu are updated correctly
* Search title/link on IMDb directly using the context menu when right clicking
* Fast and minimalistic
* Added OMDB Api support key in requests.
* Right click movie description on Netflix when hovering to look up rating. Badge is updated correctly
* Context menu search now shows selected text
* Minor improvements and bug fixes
* This extension is open source, Feel free to contribute!
* This extension uses the OMDb API (, which sometimes returns incorrect results. I'm contacting that development team whenever I find inconsistencies, and I encourage you to contact me if you find any.
* Credit for the icon goes to
* This extension is not affiliated with, maintained, authorised, endorsed or sponsored by the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) or any of its affiliates.