Trello Clean

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More than 56 users worldwide
Current version: 1.0.0
Price: FREE
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Get a clean board on Trello.comThe board layout on changed some time ago. They added another column on the right side of every board. As it's a great idea to onboard new users, for existing superusers it's disturbing. The "Add a list..." button just wastes space on the screen. Especially for boards with a few columns / lists, the additional button will add a horizontal scroll bar. Which has a negative impact on the user experience.

This Chrome extension solves the problem:
1. Install the extension
2. Refresh the browser tabs with Trello boards
3. And the "Add a list..." button is hidden

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If you want to add new lists to your board, just go to the installed extensions (chrome://extensions/). There you can disable and enable the extension.

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