ASO - Google Play Short Description ?

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Current version: 1.0.3
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This extension shows the short description for the current Google Play application. Useful for App Store Optimization (ASO).This simple Google Chrome extension shows the Short Description of ANY Google Play app in Google Play website. It's very helpful when doing App Store Optimization!

As you know, Short Description is an ASO (App Store Optimization) Search Ranking and Conversion (from listing view to install) factor. App Developers and Marketers must include relevant keywords in it to rank and write marketing texts that convince users to download / install any given app.

Google Play Short Descriptions can be viewed from any Android device (when browsing Google Play app), but... What happens to Google Play web from desktop? Short Descriptions do not appear at first sight; you have to take a look at the HTML code... This extension fixes that!

Now, with this ASO extension, you can check the Short Description of any Google Play app browsing Google Play website from a computer using Google Chrome.

Tired of checking manually Short Descriptions in Google Play with an Android Smartphone? Tired of checking manually HTML code in order to find Short Descriptions? This nice extension is for you!


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TheTool team

NOTE: This ASO extension reloads Google Play in browser in order to gather Short Description data. This is due to a Google Play website bug related to dynamic data load (React), notified by @DanielPeris to Google here:

UPDATE december 20, 2016:
We have fixed some bugs about Google Play website reloading when browsing the store. Still waiting for Google to fix bug related to dynamic data load...

Long live App Store Optimization!

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