OLC highlight 2

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Current version: 1.242
Price: FREE
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Označevanje ključnih besed na XCglobe in drugi dodatkiRazširitev je zelo specifična. Deluje samo na straneh, ki se začnejo z url:
http://xcglobe.com/olc ali http://www.xcglobe.com/olc

Razširitev omogoča:
- označevanje ključnih besed (imena pilotov, klubov, vzletišč, padal)
- prikaz nekaterih zračnih prostorov, predvsem v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem
- merjenje razdalje na zemljevidu in hiter 'zoom' le-tega


This extension is very specific. It will only work on web pages that start with url: http://xcglobe.com/olc or http://www.xcglobe.com/olc.

The extension has the following functionality:
- it highlights clue words on the page (name of pilots, clubs, gliders and sites)
- it can show some airspaces (mostly Slovenian and Croatian) on the map
- it includes some additional tools (distance measuring, quick zoom)

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