Reddit Enhancements Lite (RELite)

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More than 922 users worldwide
Current version: 1.11
Price: FREE
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View/scroll reddit without killing your browser.I only used to use Reddit Enhancement Suite to infinitely scroll reddit, resize images, and view inline gifs/videos/imgur albums, etc.

RES used to be great. Now, I find that I have problems with Reddit Enhancement Suite using a high amount of CPU/memory, and craps out after about 3 pages of loaded content. So I made RELite. Think of it as an alternative to Reddit Enhancement Suite (though in no way affiliated with it) that uses a hell of a lot less CPU/memory.

From benchmarking with 1000 items loaded, RELite used 43.6% less memory, and 34.1% less CPU than RES.

This extension does the following:

View images in-line
View gifs in-line
View YouTube videos in-line
View Imgur albums in-line
View reddit static/reddit images/reddit hosted images in-line (at the time of writing not supported by RES)
Use far less memory/CPU than Reddit Enhancement Suite
Resize all images/videos/gifs
Preload all the things!
Doesn't track you. Seriously, screw Reddit outbound link tracking.
Less permissions required (why do *some* apps require access to my full browsing history? This just accesses *, *, and *

Any feature requests/bugs please send an email to [email protected]. Nb. disable RES to work properly. It is still being worked on, so any constructive criticism is seriously welcome. Thanks!

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