Quora Helper

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More than 17 users worldwide
Current version: 0.4
Price: FREE
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This extension helps you view articles and write blogs on quora.This extension makes life easier when you use Quora.com.
Currently it can helps you in two ways:

1. Use J/K to move forward & downward when you are viewing answers on quora. I love these key shortcuts to help me get away from the mouse.

2. Preview latex code instantly when you are writing a post. And also slightly modify the css of quora's editor. It kills me when the editor is not at the middle of the page.

Hope you like it, now its function is simple, if you have any idea to improve or strengthen it, please don't hesitate to tell me either on github or quora.

Please note this app is opensource, its code base is here: https://github.com/revir/quoraHelper

Any usage or bug report would be appreciated.

Thank you.

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