Support websites by allowing a few Fair Ads on sites that respect your choice of ads preferencesUsing an ad blocker? You can now be fair to the websites you visit - and it's free!
Control the number of ads you're willing to accept while you browse the web: Fair Ads will allow ads on websites that are part of our Fair Ads program - and only according to your preferences.
Note that this extension currently works with Fair AdBlocker. We'll be working on supporting other ad blockers soon so stay tuned for updates.
+ Don’t feel bad because of blocking ads - with Fair Ads you can continue to block ads like before and allow a few ads to support the websites that respect your choices!
+ Our Fair Ads program strives to only allow ads that don’t slow you down, don’t use excessive tracking, and are always clean and polite.
+ You have the power: if you notice a website abusing the rules - report them and we’ll work with them get better - or suspend them from the Fair Ads program.
+ if you choose to view ads we will make sure they are only safe ads: no phishing, malware or inappropriate ads.
With Stands you can change how online ads work, you can always change the number of ads you see, and your privacy is always protected.
/*Please note - we appreciate any and all feedback. If you have any issues please hit the feedback button in the app or email
[email protected]*/
PRIVACY: In one sentence: We don’t track you and we prevent others from tracking you!
We take your privacy very seriously. Privacy is one of our core values and we’ve built Stands from the ground up with that in mind.
The communication with our servers is encrypted and we don’t have any way to connect between you and your online activity. The only data we store is your preferences and statistical information about your impact and engagement so we can improve Stands for you.
The notice you see about having access to “all website data” is automatically generated because Stands need to access the ads on the page to block them and replace them with donating ads. Rest assured we can’t look at your private data!
End User License Agreement:
OUR STORY: We founded Stands to give users a better way to control their online experience. We think users are under-represented, have been ignored for too long, and to protect their browsing and data had to use tools like AdBlock that are destructive. When we saw how indiscriminate ad blocking is, and the damage it causes to the web as more users join, we decided to build Stands as the fair alternative. Fair AdBlocker not only improves your browsing, but is further focused on blocking the most annoying and disruptive adverts, like popups and malware, while also letting you to seamlessly support websites that respect your choice via our Fair Ads program. We hope you’ll join us to build Stands into a platform that gives all of us the power to enjoy a free, respectful, and fair web.