Ballloon for Chrome

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Current version: 2.0
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Ballloon – A direct way to save web files to cloud storages(Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, Copy and SugarSync). beta 2.0Ballloon is the fast way to save web files to cloud storages.

You can also save files by pasting urls through our website

***What is Ballloon?***
Ballloon can help you save any web files directly to your cloud storages without downloading steps. That's what you are looking for, right? We support many file types like mp3 music, pdf files, photos, docs and videos(mp4), etc. We currently support six most popular cloud storages. They are Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, Copy and SugarSync.

***How to use Ballloon?***
1. Collect photos\images\phfs\mp4s by clicking the hover icons.
2. Right click on a link\photo\image and choose Ballloon for Chrome option.
3. Paste urls through our website
4. We have a website add-on for developers who host a download site. Visit

***Tips :)***
1. Tap L thrice on the keyboard to hide/show our hover icons.
2. Once you start a flying, the process works offline.

***Release Notes***

New in beta 2.0
- Massively increase the transferring speed
- Departures(web only) will show the Estimated Time of Arrival
- Rebuild the file tranferring system and it is more stable
- Dropbox and OneDrive accept bigger files now
- There is still a free plan
- Ballloon now supports long domain, for example, .vegas
- Extension will add many broken images to some pages and this bug is fixed
- Fixed a renaming bug when flying PDF files
- Fixed a renaming bug when flying MOV files
- Fixed a renaming bug when flying ISO files
- MKV files' mimetype issue, now GD can play the video
- You can now edit the default folder of Copy
- Sometimes a file will be stuck in flying status for hours(or days), this bug is fixed
- Ballloon now can work with properly
- Ballloon now can work with properly
- You can enter ip url on our web now

New in beta
- Fixed the auto-login bug. Yeah, this is true.

New in beta 1.7.4
- Rebuild file download system. Less system down expected.
- Ballloon can remember your last directory choice

New in beta 1.7.3
- We provide a new way to fly files: An input.

New in beta 1.7.2.x
- Fix some small bugs

New in beta 1.7.2
- Formal release of the Develllopers

New in beta 1.7.1
- Enhancement of 1.7

New in beta 1.7
- Cool things for developers. You can use our hover icons on your website.

New in beta
- Fixed some small bugs

New in beta 1.6.5
- Fix the bug that Box will be disconnect automatically in every five or ten minutes.
- Some other bugs killed

New in beta
- Fixed some bugs when you choose folders before flying files
- Optimized the UI flow when you click on an icon but not signed in
- Formal release of the Folder Choose update. Many thanks to David Racich.

New in beta
- When you press "S" too quickly, there was a bug.
- Ballloon remembers the path last time you've saved a file.
- Ballloon drops files that should be dropped.
- fixed some CSS conflicts with websites you are browsing
- When some files cannot be saved, hover icons won't show up

New in beta 1.6.4
- Choose where to save before files start to fly.
- You can also turn this function off.
- Fix some few bugs

New in beta
- Some users might have found that when you are flying some files, the note "flying..." does not disappear nor change to "arrived". We've fixed this. It is an https issue when Chrome 38 suddenly increases its security level.
- The availability always has a higher priority than function does, so this urgent version delays the version 1.6.4 for days.

New in beta
- Chrome 38 affects some little appearance of the website, we've changed it back.

New in beta 1.6.3
- Tons of bugs fixed
- Ballloon is faster and stronger now

New in beta 1.6.2
-Say Helllo to Copy
-Say Helllo to SugarSync

New in beta
-Rebuild the feedback function to make Ballloon stronger.

New in beta
-Bugs fixed.

New in beta 1.6.1
- Evolution page added
- Organize your files by file type
- Login bug fixed
- Delete iframe insert so it won't appear in email content
- Better experience of saving PDF files
- Some small bugs fixed

New in beta 1.6
- Say helllo to Box
- Say helllo to OneDrive
- Fix bugs

New in beta 1.5.5
- fix bugs

New in beta 1.5.4
- Support <video> tag
- Improve server performance

New in beta 1.5.3
- Fix bugs
- UI optimization

New in beta
- Now Ballloon never leads to a CPU leakage. feel free to test it.

New in beta 1.5.2(Yo!)
- You know Yo.

New in beta 1.5.1
- Fix bugs
- Add a new funtion but tell you next time

New in beta 1.5.0.x
- Fix bugs
- Increase performance

New in beta 1.5(What R we going to do?)
- Prepare for something important.
- Oh yes, you can choose which cloud to show/hide in the hover icons area.

New in beta 1.4.5
- I love the hover icons. I LOVE it. But I love you more so I add a function to toggle the visibility of it. Hope you like it.
- Right click the Ballloon's omnibar icon then click options you will see.
- Also, visit when you are logged in you will see.

New in beta 1.4.4
- When you start flying files, the pop-up notifications could tell you whether files arrive or not.

New in beta 1.4.3
- Small UI optimization.

New in beta
- Fix a bug related to https.
- One more bug killed. lollllll

New in beta

New in beta 1.4.2
- I must add share buttons, otherwise our marketing guy will kill me.

New in beta 1.4.1
- Some UI improvements.

New in beta 1.4(Talk to us!)
- We've made it! We've made it! LOLLLLLL!!
- Talk to us in the extension by sumbit your feedbacks.

New in beta 1.3.12
- Let us try again to enable feedback page on extension.

New in beta 1.3.11
- Before defeating the bug of websocket, we've taken time to perfect our new frontpage.

New in beta 1.3.10
- Continue to test. What a naughty function!

New in beta 1.3.9
- Final testing before the great 1.4

New in beta 1.3(New look!)
- As visitors get more, a humble facade for you seems not decent enough, so we remake the front page.

New in beta
- Bugs fixed

New in beta a shame...)
- If you find your Ballloon doesn't work. Just restart you browser or restart the extension and it will help. (Tools->extension->disable Ballloon then enable it.)
- We temporarily close the WebSocket and the feedback page on the extension. We did a pressure test as if there are 1000 connections and it performed well on our test server. But due to some unknown issues, it doesn't work well when we launched it on AWS EC2. Our instance is M3.large. If you are familiar with it and would like to help a little, that will be highly appreciated. Thanks! Ballloon is flying again, you can use it now.

New in beta 1.2.1(Talk with us!)
- Added a feedback page on extension where you can submit your suggestion, advice or problems
- You can receive notification now if there is something new

New in beta
- Bugs fixed

New in beta
- Killed the bug that PDF can't be saved sometimes
- Adjusted the transparency of the icons on image, so as to avoid disturbing
- Pics can be saved from more websites and we are continuing disposing the rest
- Some errors of postfix fixed, thanks for Pranab Hazarika
- Icons on image will disappear in a shorter time, UE improved
- Added a new page on extension where you can check our update and you will be more convenient to provide us your feedback

New in beta
- Tons of bugs fixed
- Added the notification for the unsupported protocol, such as smtp
- Overlapping pics can be all saved just by one handling
- Improved the animation of list deletion, wish you like it

New in beta 1.2 (wow, finally!)
- Bugs of 1.0.9X series killed
- Pics now can be saved with left clicks
- AUTH expiration and invalidity restored
- Right-click-save menu optimized
- Sorting Departure List is available
- Store experience enhanced
- Overwrite occurs when saving files under the same name tackled

New in beta 1.1
- Some minor bugs fixed
- Ability to disable the cloud you have enabled
- A better experience when you choose destination folder
- Some nice UI changes

New in beta 1.0.9
- Final testing before public release

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