Adds configurable keyboard controls to video playback on netflix.Adds configurable keyboard controls to video playback on netflix.
Some actions are simply adding extra keys to existing keyboard controls such that they can be remapped to suit a remote.
Other actions (such as Exit) are adding keyboard/remote controls to functions not normally available.
Existing actions can have their keys changed in the extension options.
keyboard press: "Escape" -> turns into: Close tab (and go back to xbmc)
keyboard press: "]" -> turns into: keypress arrow up = Volume up
keyboard press: "[" -> turns into: keypress arrow down = Volume down
keyboard press: "Enter" or "R" -> turns into: Reload web page (sometimes streaming fails and needs a reload)
keyboard press: "Space" -> at end of episode during countdown to next show, this will jump straight to next show. Also, if auto start new episode sometimes there's a popup asking if you want to continue watching, this will trigger continue button
* Close now works properly in OSX, removing chrome entirely.
* Background task now running as event page.
* Options were note working correctly in 1.0.
* Add option to hide mouse pointer when not moving. While the netflix playback engine does usually hide the cursor when the controls are hidden, this only appears to work after the mouse had been initially moved.