Pirateer is a Chrome Extension that adds IMDb ratings to TV shows and movies on The Pirate BayPirateer shows you IMDB movie ratings and information right on The Pirate
Found yourself browsing Movie or TV-show torrents and wanting to see IMDB movie information about them instead of looking them up?
Now you can.
We stay updated with the latest Piratebay domains.
We bring you the fastest and updated search results right into another easy to use column in The Pirate Bay. You can also see extra movie information and go straight to the relevant IMDB movie page.
Our naming algorithm will daze you. Where others fail to search for movies, we succeed, by analyzing all popular movies/tv-shows and learning how Pirate Bay lists them.
Try us out, we're easy to install, unnoticeable, we don't inject any ads to 3rd party pages, ask for almost no permissions, a prove our abilities before you know it.
Rest assured, after using Pirateer to look up torrents and get item information, you will never understand how you lived without it.
--------------[ CONTACT US ]--------------
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pirateerIMDB
Source Code: https://github.com/pgilad/Pirateer
Feedback: https://github.com/pgilad/Pirateer/issues
[email protected]
--------------[ PERMISSIONS ]-------------
The permission for "Access Your Data On All Websites" is needed for content script injections. This is how the extension works - it detects whether the page is part of the Piratebay network, and then gets the movie names and retrieves the IMDB information.
Your data/searches will never be shared, and in fact they are only stored locally on your system, and sent to Google Analytics for general usage tracking (always anonymous).
We respect your privacy and will never track/record or share any of your information.