BillMyClients - Google Sheets add-on

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Merge a spreadsheet with client information and a template Google Doc, send as PDF to each client automatically and with no errors.*THIS IS THE OLD BillMyClients ADD-ON PUBLISHED BY*

Merge a spreadsheet with client information and a template Google Doc, send as PDF to each client automatically and with no errors.
Use the add-on when you have clients that you bill on a regular basis.

FAQ: Use the TEXT function to format date, number or currency data as you like. Use the resulting column in your document template. For more info, see

First create your Spreadsheet with your client information. For example create three columns and name them "Customer name", "Customer address" and "Contact email".

Then create a template Doc with your invoice template. Put the following text for example: "Dear @Customer name@ at @Customer address@, This is your monthly invoice."

In your Spreadsheet, choose Add-ons > BillMyClients > Merge document and e-mail manually.

On step 1/3 choose your template Doc you've just created, then select which client information to merge. It can be a single row or a range of rows from the current Spreadsheet or another Spreadsheet. Click Next.

On step 2/3 choose how the resulting PDF documents will be named, so each document is unique per client. Click Next.

On step 3/3 choose which column from the Spreadsheet contains the client's email address, for example "Contact email" from the example above. Fill in a subject and the email content. You can use the same tag syntax as in the template Doc. For example the content of the email could be: "Hello @Customer name@, Please find your invoice as a PDF attachment.". Click Send to send an email to each client with their respective invoice.

Note: The header row with column names in the Spreadsheet is not mandatory. If you don't have it, use the column letters in your template Doc instead. For example the text could be "Dear @A@ at @B@, This is your invoice."

Note 2: The add-on will remember your settings when you set "Save all my settings for later" on step 3/3. This will save you time when using the add-on very often (which we hope you do).

Note 3: You can send e-mails automatically when a customer of yours fills in the form. To achieve this, choose Add-ons > BillMyClients > Merge document and e-mail on form submit. Follow the same process as described above.

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Team BridgeWorks.

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