Thecus NAS Gate by Thecus is a tool for Google Chrome that provides discovering and accessing your Thecus NAS on the local network.The “Thecus NAS Gate” Chrome app is to be used in Linux to help users find their Thecus® NAS systems across their local network. It is an app for the Chrome browser only and is an alternative for Linux based users who can’t use the Intelligent NAS application. By clicking Found Devices, they gain access to the Thecus® NAS Web Admin UI via network discovery.
The Intelligent NAS utility is only supported on Windows and Mac OS; to use the Intelligent NAS utility on a Linux client computer, you must use the Google Chrome browser for Linux and install the "Thecus NAS Gate", extension app for Chrome. This will enable you to carry out the LAN network scan for the NAS. After installing the NAS Gate extension app, you can login directly to ThecusOS6 to make further changes.
The initial login ID and password are both "admin".