Backbase Widget Factory

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More than 100 users worldwide
Current version: 8.0
Price: FREE
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Have a Backbase Portal? Want to build Widgets faster? Try this new tool out!Got Backbase Portal 5?
Are you a developer?
Want to make widgets super fast?
Want your widgets built from Backbase's certified development patterns?

Welcome to the Backbase Widget Factory. Here you can specify all the required widget meta information you need to build a widget template faster than 3 monkeys on Aderol! Designed and built by Backbase, your widget template will be ready for all the custom code you need in order to get your portal fully built and out the door.

NOTE - For layout uploading you will need to add the "page_external.jsp" to your aurora bundle. Ping a backbase consultant for details on this procedure. You can download "page_external.jsp" from the following url:

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