AppFollow - Google Sheets add-on

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More than 95 users worldwide
Current version: 3
Price: FREE
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AppFollow Add-On for Google Sheets v2.0AppFollow Add-On Functions:

1. getSuggest(term, country, device)
Find suggestions for App Store and Google Play.
=getSuggest("mario", "US", "android")

2. getSearch(term, country, device)
Search result positions for App Store and Google Play.
=getSearch("supermario", "GB", "ipad")

3. getTrending(country, device)
Trending searches for App Store.

4. getSearchAds(app_title, country, phrase)
Get keywords and quality score for the app from Search Ads.
=getSearchAds("telegram", "US")

5. getKeywords(ext_id, country, device, date)
Get keyword positions for the app.
"", "US", "android")

6. getKeywordsCompare(ext_id, old_date, new_date, country, device)
Compare keyword positions for the app.
"", "2017-04-21", "2017-04-30", "US", "android")

7. saveKeywords(country, device, keywords, apps_id)
Save keywords in the app collection @ AppFollow.
=saveKeywords("RU", "iphone", "keywords, separated by a, comma")

8. getReviews(ext_id, page, date)
Get reviews for the app.

9. getReviewsSummary(ext_id, date)
Get summary reviews for the app.
"", "2015-07-24")

10. getRatings(ext_id, date)
Get ratings history for the app.

11. getRatingsSummary(ext_id, date)
Get summary ratings for the app.
"", "2017-04-24")

12. getRankings(ext_id, page, date)
Get rankings history for the app.
"", "1", "2017-04-24")

13. getWhatsNew(ext_id, page, last_modified)
What's new.

14. getCollections()
Get collections list.

15. getAppsFromCollection(
Get list of apps from the collection.

Default country is US, default device is iphone.

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