This is a game to learn Chu Nom.This is a Chrome App to learn Chữ Nôm which are the Chinese characters that used to be used to write the Vietnamese language.
The Chu Nom covered are:
1) Vietnamese First Names
2) Vietnamese Surnames
3) Normal Numbers
4) Financial Numbers
5) First Grade Chu Nom
The player starts the game by selecting a level by clicking the "Level Select" button at the top. Alternatively, the player could press the "backspace" key on their keyboard to display the level-select screen. Next, the player selects a level by either pressing the up and down arrow keys on their keyboard or clicking the up and down arrows on the screen. Next, the player clicks the "Start" button at the top to start the game, or the player can alternatively start the game by pressing the "Enter" key on their keyboard. Finally, the player clicks one of the two speech bubbles at the top to choose the correct answer to the question below. Alternatively, the player can press the left and right arrow keys on their keyboard to select one of these two choices.
The lime-green bonus multiplier decreases over time, so time is a factor in the player final score. At the end of nine questions, the game ends, and the bonus multiplier is applied to the player's score. This game saves the player's highest score as their "High" score.