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Current version: 1.0.2
Price: FREE
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with BadgeBox you will be able to clock-in/out, manage attendance data, create timesheets, projects and a lot more.BadgeBox is a HR app designed for mobile and desktop.
The app helps save time to individuals and companies making it possible to manage daily tasks quickly and easily. Thanks to BadgeBox you will be able to manage attendance data and overtime, create timesheets on the go, track activities, projects and a lot more.

With BadgeBox you and your employees will be able to:

-Mobile clock-in and clock-out with the possibility of tracking punch location via GPS (as an optional feature if enabled by employer and employee)
-Create weekly timesheets
-Submit vacation and day-off requests
-Track work time, projects and activities
-Send and review holiday and time-off requests
-Calculate overtime rates
-Manage invoice and accounting process
-Track costs and revenues for each project and activity
-Share files and data with you colleagues in cloud

Using BadgeBox you will have the following benefits:

• Improve data accuracy

• Eliminate paperwork and go green

• Reduce expenses 

• Save time

• Have access to all data anytime from anywhere

Install BadgeBox App for FREE today!

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