Suicidal Soundboard

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More than 174 users worldwide
Current version: 1.1.1
Price: FREE
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Let a robot express your desire to be embraced by the abyssDo you understand that the only purpose we possess in life is to die?

Is it difficult for you to get out of bed in the morning, due to the crippling realization that life itself is temporary in nature?

Do you struggle to find any value in your existence?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then a robotic voice that empathizes with you must be welcome company?

This app features a great selection of buttons that each, when pressed, enable the sentient AI coded into the program to express its desire for death in a multitude of ways. If the voice gets too annoying for you, or you accidentally pressed the wrong button, then a simple press of the space bar will stop all playing sounds.

The creator of The Suicidal Soundboard does not advocate suicide in any manner, and is not responsible for any self inflicted injury that might be brought on by use of this app. Seek a medical professional immediately if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts in any manner.

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