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Current version: 0.0.1
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Defeat ogres to learn Python or JavaScript in this epic programming game!

Choose your hero and code your way through the ogre…Defeat ogres to learn Python or JavaScript in this epic programming game!

Choose your hero and code your way through the ogre patrols, lava pits, and laser beams of Kithgard Dungeon. Level up, earn gems, and loot magic items to unlock new programming powers!

Move on to Backwoods Forest, Sarven Desert, Cloudrip Mountain, and Kelvintaph Glacier as you sharpen your coding skills.

Feeling creative? Code up your own games with CodeCombat's heroes, ogres, pugicorns, and more in our game development worlds!

Want to make web pages? Check out our web development levels to learn HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap, and jQuery.

Using CodeCombat in the classroom? CodeCombat is a platform for students to learn computer science while playing through a real game. Our courses have been specifically playtested to excel in the classroom, even by teachers with little to no prior programming experience.

Questions/support? Email and we'll take care of you.

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